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Playoff: Other Titles

My Playoff: Other Titles Collection (Updated December 20th, 2024)

1995 Playoff Prime: “Derek Brown” #45

1996 Playoff QVC: “Reggie White" Leathers (Silver) #4

1997 Playoff 1st and Ten Eric Metcalf Ho

1997 Playoff First & Ten: “Eric Metcalf" Hot Pursuit #94*

*Note: I do not own the card above. 

1998 Playoff Prestige (Hobby): “Darnell Autry" #125

1999 Playoff Prestige EXP: “Chris Spielman" #170

In 1995, Playoff thought it would get into the "Let's bombard the hobby with hundreds of titles" foray with its latest release called "Playoff: Prime". The first release of "Playoff: Prime" was a 200-card set that the hobby really didn't need, along with about 40 other titles scattered throughout the hobby landscape. And although I might sound as if I'm coming down on Playoff, I'm not. I thought the "Playoff: Prime" release wasn't bad at all, as a matter of fact, it was pretty good. It's just that the hobby didn't respond to it, (See the 1995 Playoff Prime: "Derek Brown" #45 left). The '95 release was actually a solid release that looked very good and it employed the "TekChrome look to some extent. The 3 insert sets that were included in the release were also very cool and very hard to find. Both the "Fantasy Team" cards and the "Unsung Heroes" cards were very hard to find, especially as a complete set.

In 1996, Playoff continued with the "Playoff: Prime" title for another year. And actually, the '96 release was awesome. I thought the front of the cards looked really cool, (See the 1996 Playoff Prime: "Horace Copeland" #148 right). The "TekChrome" look that Playoff used in its flagship title and in its '95 release was still there; Just in bright colors now which made it look so much better. The '96 release continued with 3 insert sets all of which were also pretty cool and very sought after.  

Playoff also teamed up with QVC in '96 to release felt and leather sets; two leather sets, actually, a Silver set and a Gold set, (See the 1996 Playoff QVC: "Reggie White" #4 Silver left).  The leather sets were very simple and all the sets were very small. The leather sets were only 6-cards and the felt set was only 9-cards. The Playoff / QVC cards took a page out of the Pinnacle rulebook by making their "Felt" set 9-cards, but only 3 players in the set.  

Playoff's release of its "1st & Ten" set was a waste of time, money, and effort. Not that it made my "Worst sets of all time" list, it wasn't bad, but it just wasn't very good. It kind of reminded me of a Pacific release; just weird. The "Playoff: 1st & Ten" release was an average 250-card set with an average looking front card design, (See the 1997 Playoff 1st & Ten: "Jake Reed" #19 right). Although this set wasn't bad, in my opinion, the hobby didn't really agree with me. This set books for twenty bucks and can be had for less than that today. 


For all the issues the hobby had with this set, the real downfall was the insert sets included with it. There were a total of 3 and all of them were odd. The "X-Tra Points" insert gets a pass. It was actually a pretty cool and rare felt set. The "Hot Pursuit" set was a 100-card insert set. (See the 1997 Playoff 1st & Ten: "Eric Metcalf" #94 Hot Pursuit left). Insert sets of this size take so much time to complete and normally I avoid them. And the winner of this trio was a 250-card poker chipset called "Chip Shots". Not your ideal card set.

In '97, Playoff released it's latest "TekChrome" set, the 1997 "Playoff: Zone" set. Playoff may have skimped on the base set; a measly 150-card set, but it did well by the insert sets which included a whopping 9 of them, including parallel sets. The base set was pretty cool, (maybe I just liked the "TekChrome" look). I also liked the way the nameplate was positioned in the corner, (See the 1997 Playoff Zone: "Chris Chandler" #63 above right). The insert sets were also a very good addition to this release with each one being unique and pretty cool too.


In '98 Playoff started doing something that became a common occurrence in the hobby and that was creating 2 sets; one for the retail stores such as Wal-Mart and Target and a second set for the hobby outlets. I hated this tactic. I understood why, but I still didn't like it. The '98 Retail release of the "Playoff: Absolute" set is shown below right, (See the 1998 Playoff Absolute: "Robert Edwards" #48 below right). I actually liked the Retail version 

1996 Playoff Prime: “Horace Copeland” #148

1997 Playoff First & Ten: “Jake Reed" #19

1997 Playoff Zone: “Chris Chandler” #63

1998 Playoff Prestige (Retail): “Jason Sehorn" #77

 better than the Hobby version for the '98 release.  The Hobby cards were huge blocks that had some major chipping problems along the edges. Regardless, both sets were 200-card releases with a hefty 9 insert sets.

In '98, Playoff started the "Playoff: Prestige" title. Just another title in the hobbies crowded landscape.


Now just to be clear, I don't have much from this title so I decided to include it here even though it goes thru 2004.

The base set of Playoff's latest title didn't leave much of a positive impression on me. Again, the player pasted onto a silly background did this set in. I actually liked the "Playoff: 1st & Ten" set a little bit more then this dull set, (See the 1998 Playoff Prestige: "Darnell Autry" (Hobby) #125 above left). And again the insert sets were the real gem here, there were 9 insert sets along with parallel sets included with this release. My favorites being the "Alma Mater" insert set and it's parallel set. There was just enough of a difference between the two to collect them both.

2001 Playoff Preferred: “Quentin McCord” RC #151

The '98 "Playoff: Prestige" retail set may have been even duller than the "Hobby" version, (See the 1998 Playoff Prestige: "Jason Sehorn" #77 above right). The title border at the bottom was big, plain and dull.

The '99 "Playoff: Prestige EXP" set was a step up from the '98 sets. The '99 release was a 200-card base set, (again, why bother?) with a good number of insert sets included with it. But the base set was light years ahead of its predecessors, (See the 1999 Playoff Prestige EXP: "Chris Spielman" #170 left). I don't have any or the insert sets from this release so I can't comment on them, but there are 7 insert sets included with this release that all look good.

In 2001, Playoff introduced its one-hit wonder "Playoff: Preferred" title. It's probably a stretch to say it's a "Hit", but it was a "One Hitter" regardless. The latest Playoff "One Hit" set was a 225-card release that was another of those sets where the player is pasted onto a background. At least Playoff followed the trend and included a large 


 number of rookies in this release, (See the 2001 Playoff Preferred: "Quentin McCord" RC #151 above left). And even though the players were pasted on another silly background, I still liked it. Included with this set were 2 insert sets; an 81-card autograph set and a 50-card memorabilia set. The autograph set also had 2 parallel sets; totally unnecessary, but included, nonetheless.


In '06, Playoff started a new title called "Playoff: NFL Playoffs". This set was another of those sets, (150-cards), that was nothing more than packaging for the memorabilia and autograph sets included with the release. I will say that I liked the card set. I thought the base cards were very good if not extremely simple, (See the 2006 Playoff NFL Playoffs: "Willis McGahee" #67 above right). The 2 insert sets included with this release were a Jersey Signature set and a Signature set.

2006 Playoff NFL Playoffs: “Willis McGahee” #67

In closing, the "Playoff: Other Titles" page included some hits and misses. Most of these sets were misses, but on ocassion there would be a set of significance, (the 1996 Playoff Prime and the 2001 Playoff Preferred).  If someone were to start collecting today, I would probably advise them to stay away from most of these sets because they just aren't worth the time or effort. There are also several titles that I haven't included in this write-up, maybe at a later date, I'll add them. I will say that even the sets that I omitted wouldn't change my opinion about this page.

I have complete sets:

Playoff Momentum Series:

1) 1998 Playoff Momentum SSD Set

    A) Headliners Insert

    B) Endzone X-Press Insert

    C) Class Reunion Tandems Insert

    D) Class Reunion Quad Jumbos Insert

    E) Rookie Double Feature Retail Insert

    F) Team Treads Home Insert

    G) Team Treads Away Insert

2a) 1999 Playoff Momentum SSD Set

2b) 1999 Playoff Momentum SSD X's set - Incomplete ( 58 / 200 )

    A) Chart Toppers Insert

    B) Rookie Quads Insert

    C) Rookie Recall Insert

    D) Barry Sanders Memorabilia Insert - Incomplete ( 1 / 2 )

    E) Star Gazing Insert - Incomplete ( 29 / 46 )*

    F) Team Threads Checklists Insert



Playoff Prestige Series:

1A) 1998 Playoff Prestige Hobby Set

1B) 1998 Playoff Prestige Retail Set

    A) Alma Mater (Silver) Insert

    B) Alma Mater (Blue) Insert

    C) Checklists Insert

    D) Draft Picks Insert - Incomplete ( 32 / 33 )

2) 1999 Playoff Prestige EXP Set

3) 1999 Playoff Prestige SSD Set

    A) Alma Mater Insert

    B) Gridiron Heritage Insert

    C) Inside the Numbers Insert

4) 2000 Playoff Prestige Set - Do Not Have

    A) Alma Mater Materials Insert - Incomplete ( 9 / 10 )

4) 2001 Playoff Prestige Set - Does Not Exist

4) 2002 Playoff Prestige Set - Do Not Have

4) 2003 Playoff Prestige Set - Do Not Have

4) 2004 Playoff Prestige Set - Do Not Have

4) 2005 Playoff Prestige Set



Playoff Prime Series:

1) 1995 Playoff Prime Set

    A) Pigskin Previews Insert

2) 1996 Playoff Prime Set

    A) Honors Insert

    B) Surprise Insert

    C) Boss Hogs Insert

Playoff NFL Playoffs Series:

1) 2006 NFL Playoffs Set



Other Playoff Series:

1) 1996 Playoff Illusions Set

2) 1996 Playoff QVC Leather Bound Set

3) 1996 Playoff QVC Felt Set

4) 1997 Playoff First And Ten Set

    A) X-Tra Points Insert

    B) Chip Shots Insert - Incomplete ( 155 / 250 )

5)  1997 Playoff Zone Set

    A) Frenzy Insert

    B) Rookies Insert

    C) Treasures Insert

    D) Close-Ups Insert

    E) Prime Targets (Blue) Insert 

    F) Prime Targets (Red) Insert

    G) Prime Targets (Purple) Insert 

    H) Sharpshooters (Red) Insert

    (I) Sharpshooters (Blue) Insert - Incomplete ( 1 / 18 )

6) 2001 Playoff Preferred Set - Incomplete ( 218 / 225 )

    A) Materials Insert - Incomplete ( 47 / 50 )

    B) Signatures: Bronze Insert - Incomplete ( 4 / 81 )

7) 2002 Playoff Piece of the Game Set

    A) Piece of the Game Materials Insert - Incomplete ( 2 / 102 )

*Note: Beckett calls out 45 cards, but I found the Fred Taylor undocumented autograph Redemption card.


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