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Fleer: Other Titles

My Fleer: Miscellaneous Collection (Updated December 20th, 2024)

1992 GameDay: “Patrick Hunter” #41

1997 Fleer Goudy: “John Mobley” #17

I lumped all of the other Fleer titles onto one page and called it "Fleer: Other Titles". These are sets that may have been discontinued, were around for maybe one year, or for whatever reason were just disregarded after a short stint.  

I'll start with Game Day. Fleer's Game Day had a relatively quick entrance and quick exit from the hobby. If you blinked, you probably missed it. It seems to me that before anyone knew they were here they were gone.  That just goes to show you what will happen if the collecting world does not approve.  I guess the collector still prefers cards that are 3 1/2 X 2 1/2 and they probably always will.

Well, what can I say about the Game Day series?  I enjoyed them.  I didn't care for the oversized cards and I guess that is what ultimately did them in, but I liked the card layout, designs and photography, (See the 1992 GameDay "Patrick Hunter" #41 left).  Fleer introduced the Game Day series back in 1992 and terminated it in '93. The initial '92 Game Day release was simple all it had was a very nice 500-card base set. No insert sets. No memorabilia sets. No autograph sets, but it did a very good job designing the back-side, (See the back of the 1993 GameDay "Henry Thomas" #165 right). I have to hand it to the design team at GameDay, they really knew how to put together a good product.

1993 GameDay: “Henry Thomas” #165 (Back)

In 1997, Fleer went the other way, they got smaller. Fleer introduced their "Fleer: Goudy" title. Now, I can go larger, but smaller; no. I never liked the "Fleer: Goudy" series. Fleer released the Goudy title in 2 separate releases. But after one year, it disappeared. I would like to think I wasn't alone and no one else liked it either, (See the 1997 Fleer Goudy "John Mobley" #17 left). I can say one thing about it, it didn't make my Top 10 Least Favorite Sets. It avoided that horrible distinction.

1999 Fleer Sports Illustrated: “Roger Craig” Autograph #6

In 1998, "Fleer: Brilliants" made its debut. In 1999 "Fleer: Brilliants" was gone. The "Fleer: Brilliants" title was another of a long list of sets to make an appearance, get ignored by the hobby, and just go away. I had very mixed emotions about the design of the "Fleer: Brilliants" release. This design concept had been played out before. In 1996, Score released it's "Score: Select Premium Stock" title, (Note: I think Score could've added about 5 more words to that title to really stand out.). Anyway, that is what the 1998 "Fleer: Brilliants" release looked like to me. Now the Blue Parallel was an extremely gorgeous set. I really liked the look of it and the scan doesn't do it justice, (See the 1998 Fleer Brilliants "Mike Vanderjagt" Rookie #137 left.)

1998 Fleer Brilliants: “Mike Vanderjagt” RC #137

After two failed releases, Fleer hit it big! In 1999, Fleer released it's "Fleer: Sports Illustrated" set. WoW!! What a memorable release this was. The '99 release was a 150-card set with 4 insert sets. But the big insert set was the autograph set. A 35-card juggernaut. With players like Joe Montana and Jim Brown in its release, this set was destined for greatness, (See the 1999 Fleer Sports Illustrated: "Roger Craig" Autograph #6 left.). Heck, I really enjoyed the Covers insert, as well. (See the 1999 Fleer Sports Illustrated: "Vinny Testeverde" Covers #27 right). Now, the real question is, why didn't this release come back for a 2nd run? It couldn't have been due to a lack of interest. In my opinion, this is one of the best releases in the past 20 years.

1999 Fleer Mystique: “Dan Marino” Feel the Game #5

1999 also saw Fleer release its Mystique title. I should point out that I only have Mystique on this page because, at this point, I have only gotten into the '99 set and not any further. The '99 release was nice, it had 5 insert sets with one being the Fresh Ink Autograph

1999 Fleer Sports Illustrated: “Vinny Testeverde” Covers #27

set. The other being a memorabilia set that had one of the weirdest, yet interesting cards, offered to date. The 1999 Fleer Mystique set had an insert set called “Feel the Game” and in that set was a Dan Marino game worn  sock. Yep, you read that right, (See the 1999 Fleer Mystique: “Dan Marino” Feel the Game #5 left), the first game-worn sock. I think I’ll stop at the sock. I hope to God, no card manufacturer dares to enter the “Game-Worn Jock” arena.

2000 Fleer Gamers: "Randall Cunningham” Uniformity #11

In 2000, Fleer released a few more titles that lasted one measly year. The Fleer Gamers title, released in 2000, was a pathetic 145-card set, but it did have a very cool memorabilia set called "Uniformity", (See the 2000 Fleer Gamers “Randall Cunningham” Uniformity #11 left).  The "Uniformity" insert set was a monster set for its day; at 34-cards, the "Uniformity" set was one of Fleer's largest memorabilia sets released.

2000 Fleer Greats of the Game: "L.C. Greenwood” Feel the Game Classics #6

The other one-hit-wonder set Fleer released in 2000 was the "Greats of the Game" set. This set was even smaller than the "Gamers" set released that year. The "Greats of the Game" set had 134-cards. It did have a very cool memorabilia set, however, called "Feel the Game Classics", (See the 2000 Fleer Greats of the Game “L.C. Greenwood” Feel the Game Classics #6 above right).  The "Feel the Game Classics" insert set was a solid 23-cards with some of the games biggest names. This set would be a great addition to any collection.

2001 Fleer Authority: "Shaun Alexander” Autographs #1

One of two things happened in 2001, either Fleer learned from their mistakes in 2000 and created brand new titles. Or Fleer thought that creating one-year wonders worked so well in 2000, that they would do it all over again with 5 brand new titles in 2001. Two thousand one brought to life 5 new one-year titles; "Fleer Authority", "Fleer Game Time", "Fleer Glossy", "Fleer Hot Prospects" and "Fleer Legacy" all of which gave the collector everything they could ask for. 

2001 Fleer Legacy: “Minor / Henry / Bennett” Triple Threads #TT-MHB

2001 Fleer Authority: "David Boston” Goal Line Gear #1

The "Fleer Authority" title was the 2nd largest set out of the 5 one-year wonders, in terms of the number of cards, at 155 cards. It was also the only one of the 5 that had a stand-alone autograph set, (See the 2001 Fleer Authority "Shaun Alexander” Autograph #1 above left). The "Fleer Authority" release included the "Goal Line Gear" insert set which was a 60-card monster; it was almost half the size of the base set, (See the 2001 Fleer Authority "David Boston” Goal Line Gear #1 above right). One last thing I'd like to add regarding the "2001 Fleer Authority" release, the rookie cards were/are extremely hard to get.

The "Fleer Legacy" title was a pathetic 120-card release by Fleer. My question is, why even bother? Anything under a 250-card set is worthless, in my opinion.  However, for its short-comings as a base set, the insert sets were worth the time. By my count, the Legacy release had a staggering 6 memorabilia sets. My favorite being the Triple Threads set, (See the 2001 Fleer Legacy "Minor / Henry / Bennett” Triple Threads #TT-MHB above left). Anytime one title has that many memorabilia sets in it's release, it's worth at least a look.

The "Fleer Game Time" title was the 3rd largest set out of the 5 one-year wonders, in terms of the number of cards, at 150 cards. It also had 3 memorabilia sets, the largest of the 3 being the Uniformity set, (See the 2001 Fleer Game Time "Jevon Kearse” Uniformity #16 above right). The Uniformity set was my favorite of the 3 memorabilia sets included in the 2001 release. 

I did not include the "Fleer Premium" title as one of the 5 one-year wonders because it actually came back for a 2nd season. If the "Fleer Legacy" set was worth a look with 6 memorabilia sets, then the "Fleer Premium" title was a definite look with 7. I will say though that I still considered it 6 because of the poor attempt Fleer made with 2 of its memorabilia sets. Fleer created 2 memorabilia sets that were almost identical. Why? What was the purpose? I felt as if one of these were created on a Friday, (ie, "Let's just get this thing done so we can enjoy our weekend."), (See the 2001 Fleer Premium: "Todd Pinkston" Suiting Up #14 above right) and (See the 2001 Fleer Premium: "Todd Pinkston" Clothes to the Game #14 right). The two sets are way too similar. C'mon Fleer, you were better than that.

I haven't gotten into 2002 very much, but one of the sets that I have gotten into is the "Fleer: Box Score" title. This release by Fleer had a total of 14 insert sets. Two of my favorites were the "Debuts" insert set and the "Redshirt Freshman",  (See the 2002 Fleer Box Score: "William Green" Redshirt Freshman #5 left).

2001 Fleer Game Time “Jevon Kearse” Uniformity #16

2001 Fleer Premium: "Todd Pinkston" Suiting Up #14

2001 Fleer Premium: "Todd Pinkston" Clothes to the Game #14

2002 Fleer Box Score: “William Green” Redshirt Fresh #5

In conclusion,  Fleer had a multitude of small stand-alone sets that had plenty to offer. All of these sets, (other than the early 90s sets), had autograph sets, memorabilia sets, or both. There was truly something for everyone.

I have complete sets:



Fleer Game Day Sets:

1) 1992 Game Day Set

2) 1993 Game Day Set

    A) 2nd Year Standouts Insert

    B) Gamebreakers Insert

    C) Rookie Standouts Insert

3) 1994 Game Day Set

    A) 2nd Year Standouts Insert

    B) Gamebreakers Insert

    C) Rookie Standouts Insert

    D) Flashing Stars Insert



Fleer Mystique Series:

1) 1999 Mystique Set

    A) Protential insert

    B) Feel The Game insert

    C) Fresh Ink Insert

    D) NFL 2000 insert



Fleer Premium Series:

1) 2001 Premium Set

    A) Premium Performers Insert

    B) Commanding Respect Insert

    C) Home Field Advantage Insert

    D) Clothes to the Game Insert

    E) Rookie Revolution Insert

    F) Suiting Up Insert

    G) Rookie Game Ball Insert 

    H) Greatest Plays Jerseys Insert*

    I) Rookie Revolution Autographs Insert - Incomplete ( 2 / 12 )***

1) 2002 Premium Set - Do Not Have

    A) Prem Team Jerseys Insert 



Other Fleer Series:

1) 1997 Fleer Goudey I Set

    A) Heads Up Insert

    B) Tittle Says Insert

    C) Bednarik Says Insert

    D) Pigskin 2000 Insert

2) 1997 Fleer Goudey II Set

    A) Glory Days Insert

    B) Vintage Goudy Insert

    C) Rookie Classics Insert

    D) Big Time Backs Insert

3A) 1998 Fleer Brilliants (Silver) Set

3B) 1998 Fleer Brilliants (Blue) Set

    A) Illuminators Insert

    B) Shining Stars Insert

4) 1999 Fleer Sports Illustrated Set

    A) Canton Calling Insert

    B) Canton Calling (Gold) Insert

    C) Covers Insert

    D) Autographs Insert - Incomplete ( 33 / 35 )

5) 2000 Greats of the Game Set

    A) Feel the Game Classics Insert

    B) Retrospection Collection Insert

6) 2000 Fleer Gamers Set

    A) Uniformity Insert

    B) Contact Sport Insert

    C) Yard Chargers Insert

    D) Change The Game Insert

7) 2001 Fleer Authority Set

    A) We’re #1 Insert

    B) We’re #1 Jersey Insert

    C) Goal Line Gear Insert

    D) Autographs Insert - Incomplete ( 39 / 43 )****

8) 2001 Fleer Game Time Set

    A) Eleven Up Insert

    B) Crunch Time Insert

    C) Double Trouble Insert

    D) Uniformity Insert

    E) In The Zone Insert

9) 2001 Fleer Legacy Set

    A) Triple Threads Insert

    B) Game Issue 1st Quarter Insert

    C) Rookie Postmarks Insert - Incomplete ( 27 / 30 )

    D) Rookie Postmarks Autographs Insert - Incomplete ( 10 / 13 )**

    E) 1,000 Yard Club Doubles Insert

10) 2001 Fleer Hot Prospects Set - Incomplete ( 100 / 135 )

    A) TD Fever Insert

    B) Honor Guard Insert

    C) Pigskin Prospects Jerseys Insert

    D) Rookie Premiere Postmarks Jerseys Insert

11) 2002 Fleer Box Score Set - Incomplete ( 90 / 240 )

    A) Classic Miniatures Insert

    B) Classic Miniature Jerseys Insert - Incomplete ( 9 / 10 )

    C) Debuts Insert

    D) Jersey Rack Triples Insert - Incomplete ( 4 / 7 )

    E) Press Clippings Insert

    F) Red Shirt Freshmen Insert

    G) Yard Markers Insert

    H) Yard Markers Duals Insert



*Note: Beckett calls out 8 cards, but I found the Dave Casper undocumented Greatest Plays Jersey card.


**Note: Beckett calls out 11 cards, but I found the James Jackson autograph and Quincy Morgan autograph undocumented cards.

***Note: Beckett calls out 10 cards, but I found the Drew Bress and Chad Johnson undocumented autograph Redemption cards.

****Note: Beckett calls out 29 cards, but I found the 3 Auto Redemptions, (Drew Brees, Shaun Alexander and Wayne Chrebet), + the Corey Dillon Blue Ink Auto + the 1 Reggie Wayne unlisted Auto + the 1 Koren Robinson unlisted Auto + The 8 Auto Redemptions on the Un-Cut Sheet.




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